Stephen J. Hubertus
Land Surveyor

Professional Land Surveyor


This survey is similar to a boundary but shows the improvements throughout the property, buildings, sidewalks, overhead utilities, fences etc. 
Usually requested for transfer of real estate.

Some lending institutions require an ALTA/ASCM
(American Land Title Association/American Congress on Surveying & Mapping) survey.

This survey sets forth the field procedures to be used and usually requires an abstract of title, a UFPO utility stakeout and request for the surveyor to project easements that may be being exercised by others on the client property.  The ALTA/ACSM survey is quite intensive and therefore is more costly than


2.1        Show boundary lines, giving length and bearing on each straight line and/or interior angles; radius, arc length, and delta of curved lines. Where no monument exists, set permanent steel rods or other suitable permanent monuments at property corner; drive rod into the ground adequately to prevent monument and mark with a plastic cap bearing my name and license number; state on the map whether corners were found or set and describe each.

2.2 Furnish a legal description which conforms to the record title boundaries.  Prior to making this survey, the surveyor shall acquire data including but not limited to: deeds, maps, certificates or abstracts of title, and facts of pertinent local history.

2.3 Give area in acres (0.001 acre

2.4 Note identity, jurisdiction, and width of adjoining streets and highways (where practical), with and type of road.

2.5 Plot location of structures on the property and on adjacent properties if within five feet of property line.

2.6 Describe fences, walls and other evidence of occupation with respect to property lines.

2.7 Show location of record lines where they differ from established property lines.

2.8 State the owner of right to adjoining lots. Where possible, identify the size and nature of easements and/or rights of way.

2.9 State whether gores or overlaps in title exist.

2.10 Observable evidence of easements of all kinds, such as those created by roads, rights of way, water courses, utility lines, etc., shall be shown on the map of the survey.

2.11 Physical evidence of all apparently encroaching structural appurtenances and projections shall be shown.

2.12 Ponds, Lakes, springs, or Rivers bordering on or running through the premises shall be shown.

2.13 Furnish client with six (6) prints of map signed and sealed by a licensed Land Surveyor.  Maps will be certified to parties required.

2.14 Blaze and mark boundary lines of the surveyed property (optional at client’s request)

This item if not requested during initial negotiations is an additional expense.

2.15 if it is desired to have the zoning classification and/or setbacks shown on the map of survey, it must be indicated by the client.

2.16 If applicable, the surveyor should be notified by the client of any survey requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Veterans Administration, or any other governmental agency or entity.

            Because an Instrument Location Survey is prepared for purposes if insuring title to property free and clear of survey questions, the information shown thereon should be as up to date as possible, for this reason, it may be necessary to have an instrument location survey updated and/or recertified (at the client’s expense).  This requires a field check of the property in question, and an updated abstract of title.  When and how a survey is to be updated will vary according to the requirements of the insurer.


                Insert example of survey.